Parent Concerns

If you, as the parent or guardian of a Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools’ student, have concerns about your child’s education or daily interactions at school, please come and have a conversation with us. Sitting down and talking with the people who interact most often with your child on a daily basis can remedy most concerns.

If the issues or concerns are about the teacher, the program, program support, and/or issues with other children, the first contact should always be the teacher. If a parent has a concern about the administration, the parent should talk with the school administration first. If, in the view of the parent, the ruling of the school principal is unacceptable, the parent may address his/her concern(s) to the Associate Superintendent of System Services.

Since parents and teachers share the responsibility for education and socialization of children, it is important to address an issue or concerns quickly. We want to work together for the benefit of all our students.

If there a concern that you wish to bring to our attention, we ask that you familiarize yourself with our Parent Concern Protocol in Administrative Procedure No. 353. This will ensure that your concern receives an appropriate and thorough response as quickly as possible.